Purposeful Parenting









Helping busy & overwhelmed moms find clarity, confidence and calm as a parent & person. 

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Meet Annique...


Do you sometimes feel....

Do you feel like no matter what you are never caught up, you are nearing the end of your rope, or perhaps you are already there?  Overwhelmed, tired days (and nights), not to mention confusion over what the heck you 'should' actually be doing.... well you're not alone.

Despite your best efforts you feel on the brink of burn out and unsure of where to turn.  Does it feel like you are spinning ten different plates in the air and they are all about to come crashing down?  Parenting in our modern world has more demands than ever.... screens, social media, over scheduling, pressure to keep up, not to mention a career and  having an identity outside of being a mom.

Well good news, you are exactly where you are meant to be. I promise, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and no, its not a train barreling directly toward you (insert laughing emoji). 

And I get it, because I've been there too.

Hi, I'm Annique


I offer a safe space for parents to discover, grow and learn.  Allowing you, to fully transform and bloom into the confident, caring parent you were intended to be ..... your best self for you and your family.

As a Parenting Coach and Educator, I offer 1 on 1  coaching sessions that empower, support and teach busy parents to go from confusion & overwhelm to a place of clarity, confidence and calm... as a parent and as individual.   

I can assure you, you have everything it takes to become the best version of you, which in turn brings forth the best parent in you  The path forward starts here.

About Me

My qualification include a year long graduate level Parent Coaching Certification from The Parent Coaching Institute (PCI).  As well I have both a B. Ed & B. A Degrees and I also am a certified Reiki Level II Usui Holy Fire practitioner (I am all about energy work & healing).  My biggest accomplishment however is that  I am a mom & wife.  We have 5 pretty amazing teens/young adults (ages 14 years thru 21 years old)....  4 Boys, 1 girl, 1 set of twins and 1 awesome husband/dad that has been my partner in life & parenting for more than 28 years.  Yes that's us pictured above.  My experience working with children and parents is vast.  I began my career as a Grade 7 teacher and as our family began to grow I started my own business from home so I had more flexibility.  I've had the priviledge to lead & coach women in business and parenting  for the past 17 years.  This is where I discovered my love of personal growth, leadership & coaching women. 

My parenting philosophy is parenting with purpose.  Parenting with the end in mind.  When we are intentional about our personal growth, learning & development, we evolve into our best selves.  As our best selves, we easily offer solid leadership in our homes.  Parenting that is highly loving & connected AND also highly structured with boundaries & routines.  My mantra is to be a kind, yet firm parent where kids are deeply loved, safe & secure & thriving.  My background & training are based in positive psychology, neuro-science and child & adolescent development. I am passionate and thrilled to be supporting and empowering moms to find balance, confidence and joy in parenting and life!


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

Parent Power Hour


Pay per Session

  • Indvidual 1:1 Session
  • 55 min Zoom
  • Ask me anything
  • Ideal for trouble shooting & Q & A
  • Ideal for parents wondering if Annique is the right fit, or for those wanting to book as you go or as follow up after doing a parenting package.
  • Recording of sessions.

PATHWAY to Parenting Package


Savings of $65

  • Four 1:1 Coaching Sessions
  •  55 min each via Zoom 
  • Sessions can be weekly or bi-weekly.
  • A structured approach that moves you through your challenges, into discovering strengths, values & your parenting voice.
  • Parents will gain clarity & grow in confidence.
  • Recording of each session

PURPOSEFUL Parenting Package


Saving of $241

  • Eight 1:1 Coaching  Session 
  • 55 min each via Zoom
  • Sessions weekly or bi-weekly 
  • A structured approach that moves you through your challenges, into discovering strengths, values & your parenting voice.
  • You will learn specific strategies, skills  & tools for your family & challenges.
  • A deep-dive & transformative coaching journey for long-term success.  Confidence, connection & calm.
  • Recording of each session.

 What moms are saying...


"Any mom who gets to be with Annique in her bubble for an hour will leave their session better!  Her energy, understanding, knowledge and compassion for moms is exactly what us moms need more of!"

 Jaelyn W.



"Annique, Thank you so much for all of your help with Meyer.  I am kind of still in shock that he is sleeping through the night....I was feeling hopeless and I swear you just helped me gain back years I would have lost and surrendered."

Crystal S.

Who chooses parent coaching with you?


  • Moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, childcare providers, teachers etc.
  • Parents of children of ALL ages, from newborn through young adults.
  • Infants with sleep & schedule issues, toddlers tantrums & toilet training all the way through tweens, teens and young adults.
  • Parents battling with cooperation, listening, tantrums, focus, defiance, sibling struggles, dramatics...etc.
  • Parents struggling with boundaries and setting limits on devices, phones, social media, gaming and screens time.
  • Parents who have tried everything and are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • Parents of large families and/or with multiples. 
  • Parents who feel like they are constantly yelling, punishing, bribing, or threatening because it feel like the only thing that works.
  • Parents yearning for deeper connection with their children but have nothing left to give.
  • Parents who know all the right things they should be saying and doing, but cannot do these things when the power struggle moments arise.
  • Parents who are looking for support, reassurance, resources, tools & strategies to be a competent and confident parent.
  • Parents who need and sounding board and someone to listen WITH compassion and WITHOUT judgement.


What does a parent coach do? 

As a parent coach I support parents through specific long term, short term & daily challenges with their children.  We will focus discovering your strengths, core values and we support you in setting clear & realistic goals.  Together we will implement  individualized strategies and troubleshoot as needed.  We work together as thinking partners,  providing compassion, a safe place to share with no judgement, emotional support, practical strategies,  and communication skills to create a positive parenting environment.  I am a certified professional who helps parents and caregivers improve their relationships with their children and navigate parenting challenges.  I offer evidence based strategies & tools, the latest neuroscience findings, and psycho-educational support  based in positive psychology to help parents deepen strengths, develop skills & strategies to address behavioural challenges and support their child’s development.

Is Parent Coaching Therapy?

Parent coaching is not therapy. Parent coaches are different from therapists because they don't diagnose or treat mental illnesses, but instead focus on helping parents become confident and effective leaders in the day to day interactions with their children. Parent coaches focus on immediate behaviours, growing forward while problem solving rather than more deeply excavating into the client's past.